Tools that manage md devices can be found at
in public/Linux/md035.tar.gz.

	Marc ZYNGIER <>


You can boot (if you selected boot support in the configuration) with your md 
device with the following kernel command line:

md=<md device no.>,<raid level>,<chunk size factor>,<fault level>,dev0,dev1,...,devn

md device no. = the number of the md device ... 
              0 means md0, 
	      1 md1,
	      2 md2,
	      3 md3,
	      4 md4

raid level = -1 linear mode
              0 striped mode
	      other modes are currently unsupported.

chunk size factor = (raid-0 and raid-1 only)
              Set  the chunk size as PAGE_SIZE << n.
fault level = (raid-1 only)
              Set  the maximum fault number as n.
	      Currently unsupported due to lack of boot support for raid1.
dev0-devn: e.g. /dev/hda1,/dev/hdc1,/dev/sda1,/dev/sdb1
my loadlin line looks like this:

e:\loadlin\loadlin e:\zimage root=/dev/md0 md=0,0,4,0,/dev/hdb2,/dev/hdc3 ro
        Harald Hoyer <HarryH@Royal.Net>