================== Walnut Creek CDROM E-mail Catalog =========================
This Is A List Of The CDROMs Available As Of March 5th, 1997.
 Please Visit Our WEB Site at http://www.cdrom.com
2000 True Type Fonts              -- 2000 fonts + 5000 clipart/book $39.95
3D Games Toolkit (Mac)            -- Games, utilities, etc.         $29.95
4.4 BSD Lite                      -- Berkeley 4.4 BSD O/S src code  $39.95
Ada (2 CD set)                    -- 1000 MB Ada code + tools       $39.95
Applets (For Java)                -- Over 100 Applets for Java      $29.95
Antennas                          -- 2000+ Files about antennas     $39.95
Avalon 3D collection              -- 3D Objects and resources       $39.95
ASME's Eng.Toolkit                -- Tools and Applications         $49.95
Awesome Animations                -- 200 FLI Animation files        $19.95
Beer Home Brewing guide           -- Beer Brewing guide - windows   $39.95
Bethany Bible CDROM               -- Bible related shareware        $39.95
Blackhawk For Windows '95         -- Collection of utilities        $29.95
Blowfish OS/2 Vol.2               -- The finest programs for OS/2   $29.95
Brainstormer Jr.                  -- PC educational resource        $29.95
Brainstormer Sr.                  -- Resources for Teachers, etc.   $29.95
Butterfly                         -- 1650 Ready To Run Selections   $19.95
Business Library                  -- 630 MB of shareware w/book     $39.95
C Users' Group Library            -- C User Journal C src archives  $49.95
CICA Microsoft Windows            -- Current MS Windows shareware   $29.95
CICA NT                           -- 825 Programs for Windows NT    $39.95
Civilization II Toolkit           -- New Scenarios, Maps, Files.    $19.95
Clipart Image Library             -- 6372 images w/book             $39.95
Clip Art Palette                  -- Royalty free clipart           $29.95
Clipper                           -- 2543 Clipper related files     $39.95
CP/M                              -- Over 18,000 files for CP/M     $39.95
Comm.&Conquer/Warcraft Toolkit    -- Brand New 3rd edition!         $19.95
Delphi Toolkit                    -- Tools for Borland's Delphi     $39.95
Digital Stamp Album               -- Electronic Stamp Catalog       $39.95
Doom Shareware                    -- Doom Shareware, Version 1      $ 9.95
Doom Toolkit Vol.3                -- Add-on levels, editors, cheats $19.95
Duke Nukem 3D Toolkit             -- New levels, sounds, etc.       $19.95
East Asian Text Processing        -- Japanese/Chinese text + info   $39.95
Eiffel                            -- Tools for the world of Eiffel  $39.95
Flight Sim 2000                   -- Simulators and Add-ons         $29.95
Font Asia Text Pro                -- For Asian Language Txt Proc.   $29.95
Font Garden                       -- Professional Font collection   $39.95
Fractal Frenzy                    -- 2000 beautiful Fractal's       $39.95
Fractal Frenzy 2                  -- 2127 new Fractal images        $39.95
FreeBSD Docs                      -- BSD-Unix related articles      $39.95
FreeBSD Complete Book             -- 800 pg Guide to FreeBSD        $29.95
FreeBSD Operating System 2.1.6    -- Berkeley UNIX-like OS          $39.95
FreeBSD Complete                  -- 800 pg book w/latest 2 CD set  $49.95
FreeBSD Snap Shot                 -- Developmental snapshot         $29.95
Game Head                         -- Over 50 cool games!            $12.95
Game Patches                      -- 629 DOS & Win patches          $19.95
Ghandi                            -- Multimedia history             $39.95
GIFs Galore                       -- 5000 amazing gif images        $39.95
Gigagames 4                       -- 4th Edition! Latest games!     $39.95
GNU CDROM                         -- GNU utilities; Sparc binaries  $39.95
Hobbes Archived for OS/2          -- Best current OS/2 applications $29.95
Hobbes Ready to Run for OS/2      -- Ready to Run programs for OS/2 $39.95
Home Education Library            -- 1,280 Educational Programs     $39.95
Hornet Underground                -- 1250 Demos from the Internet   $19.95
Hyperstacks                       -- Over 1,000 Hypercard stacks    $19.95
Info-Mac                          -- Collection of Mac programs     $39.95
Internet Info                     -- 13,400 useful documents        $39.95
Japan.jpg                         -- 725 JPEG images of Japan       $39.95
Japanese Text Processing          -- Edit, View, & Output Japanese  $39.95
JOLT! Games                       -- Games For the Java Platform    $29.95
Jupiter Impact                    -- SL-9 Strike on Jupiter         $29.95
Kirk's Comm Disc V.2              -- Utilities, programs for modems $39.95
La coleccio'n                     -- MSDOS/Windows/OS/2 Spanish S/W $39.95
Linux: The Complete Reference     -- Most Complete Linux Book       $39.95
Linux: Install.& Getting Started  -- 300 pg book w/Linux OS CD      $29.95
Linux Toolkit 6 CD Set            -- 5 different distributions      $29.95
Linux Developers Kit              -- Latest files from the Internet $49.95
Linux Games                       -- Collection of games plus more! $29.95
MPEGIA                            -- Movies and utilities           $29.95
Mac Games 1                       -- Games from the Info-Mac arch.  $29.95
Mac Games 2                       -- Ultimate collection of games   $29.95
Mac Games 3                       -- #3 in the series of Mac-Games  $29.95
Mac Scholar Jr                    -- Mac software for primary educ. $29.95
Mac Scholar Sr                    -- Mac software for secondary ed. $29.95
Mac Source 2                      -- Mac programmer's resource      $29.95
Math Solutions                    -- Math programs and solutions    $39.95
Mo Linux                          -- Linux hot of the Net!          $12.95
Music Workshop                    -- 450 MB of music software/demos $39.95
NASA Source Code: AI & Tools      -- Artificial intelligence        $39.95
NASA Source Code: Aeronautics     -- Space & aeronautics programs   $39.95
NASA Source Code: Flow & Str.     -- Measure and analyze properties $39.95
NASA Source Code: Modeling        -- Modeling physical objects      $39.95
NASA Engineering Source Code      -- General collection from NASA   $39.95
Nebula for NeXTSTEP Intel         -- 600 MB S/W for Intel NeXT      $59.95
NetLib                            -- Mathematical routines, data    $39.95
Norman Bosworth Vol.1             -- Light of Days, 100 photographs $29.95
Norman Bosworth Vol.2             -- Desert Sculptures,royalty-free $29.95 
Paper CD Vol.1 Fiber              -- 20 different backgrounds       $39.95
Paper CD Vol.2 Speckled           -- 20 different backgrounds       $39.95
Paper CD Vol.3 Clouds             -- 20 different backgrounds       $39.95
Paper CD Vol.4 Stardust           -- 20 different backgrounds       $39.95
Paper CD Vol.5 Wheat              -- 20 different backgrounds       $39.95
PHT Illustrations                 -- 100 unique color illustrations $29.95
PERL                              -- 7000 files for PERL            $39.95
PovRay                            -- 2000 images, image source. WOW $39.95
Power DOS                         -- 1,909+ collection of DOS prog  $19.95
Power Web                         -- Make your own homepage!        $29.95
Project Gutenberg                 -- Internet e-text project        $39.95
QRZ! Ham Radio                    -- Callsign Database + shareware  $29.95
Quake Toolkit 2nd Edition         -- Latest Add-Ons, New levels     $19.95
Red Alert Toolkit                 -- New levels, utilities!         $19.95
Red Hat Linux                     -- Complete Red Hat Distribution  $29.95
Screensavers                      -- 100 snazzy screen savers       $19.95
Science Library                   -- Science & Technical S/W + book $39.95
Sentimental Wings                 -- US Military aircraft tour      $19.95
Shuttle Encyclopedia              -- Info/images on Space Shuttle   $39.95
Simtel for MSDOS                  -- 2 discs of shareware           $29.95
Slackware Linux 96                -- 32-bit Unix clone OS           $39.95
Source Code Vol.1                 -- Source Code from 1985-1990     $39.95
Source Code Vol.2                 -- Source Code from 1991-1993     $39.95
Source  Code Vol.3                -- Source Code from 1994-1996     $39.95
Source Set: Vol.1,2,& 3.          -- Source Code All Three CDROM's. $59.95
Space and Astronomy               -- 1000 spaces images + Nasa text $39.95
Spider                            -- Explore the world of Spiders   $29.95
Sprite                            -- Experimental operating system  $29.95
Supreme Court                     -- 18,497 Supreme Court files     $39.95
Sys Vr4                           -- 600 MB freeware for Sys V O/S  $59.95
Task Buster                       -- 500 MB of PC Management        $39.95
Telecomm                          -- Applications and Utilities     $39.95
Tcl/Tk                            -- Tcl source code and examples   $39.95
TeX                               -- Professional typesetting sys.  $39.95
Top 5 For Desk Top Publishing     -- 5 CD's for Desk Top Publishing $49.95
Travel Adventure                  -- 395 exciting travel pictures   $39.95
Turbo Users Group                 -- Files for Turbo C/C++/Pascal   $39.95
Ultra Mac Office                  -- 558 Business Programs          $39.95
Ultra Mac Games 2                 -- Latest and Coolest Mac games   $39.95
Ultra Mac Utilities               -- 630 megabytes of Mac utilities $39.95
Ultra Mac Learning Universe       -- Over 500 educational programs  $39.95
Umich                             -- Mac tools from Univ.Michigan   $29.95
Viper                             -- Tools, source code, & utils    $39.95
Visions                           -- 500 excellent free pictures    $39.95
Visions 2: Nature                 -- Professional Stock Photographs $39.95
Visions 3: Objects & Backgrounds  -- Professional Stock Photographs $39.95
Visions 4: Southwest              -- Professional Stock Photographs $39.95
Visions 5: New England            -- Professional Stock Photographs $39.95
Visions 6: Super Fractals         -- Professional Stock Photographs $39.95
Visions 7: People                 -- Professional Stock Photographs $39.95
Visions 8: Mountains              -- Professional Stock Photographs $39.95
Visions 9: California             -- Professional Stock Photographs $39.95
Visions 10: Pacific NorthWest     -- Professional Stock Photographs $39.95
Visions 12: Architecture          -- Professional Stock Photographs $39.95
Visions 13: Sacred Places         -- Professional Stock Photographs $39.95
Visual Programming & Delphi       -- Prgms.for VB, Vis. C++, Delphi $29.95
VR Zone                           -- Virtual Reality related coll.  $19.95
Webmaster's Toolkit               -- Collection of utilities        $39.95
Welcome to Africa                 -- Picture tour of Africa + game  $19.95
Welcome to Thailand               -- Picture tour of Thailand       $19.95
Winsite 2                         -- 4 CD set for Windows           $29.95
Winsite NT                        -- 500 of the best NT apps.       $29.95
X11R6                             -- Official X11r6; Sparc binaries $39.95

                                    *Your normal shipping charge applies

2000 True Type Fonts CDROM. This disc will provide you with 2000 True Type
Fonts and 5000 clipart images in PCX format.  Along with the fonts and
clipart, you get a collection of font manipulation shareware and graphics
utilities.  The CDROM includes a 419 page book illustrating each font and
clipart image.  A handy font browser makes it easy to find and install the
font you want!  The PCX clipart images include such subjects as: Animals,
Art, Astrology, Buildings, Cartoon images, Dogs, Myth & Fantasy, Fish,
Flowers, Gardens, Ham Radio, Holidays, Maps, Medical, Military, Music,
Seasonal, Space & Astronomy, Travel, and much more!  $39.95

3D Games Toolkit For the Macintosh CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping.
3D games have become immensely popular in the gaming world with favorites
such as Marathon and Doom. This disc is designed exclusively for Macintosh
users who can't get enough of these games. Filled with game editors,
utilities, cheats, sound effects, sound editors and much more, Mac Games
3D is a must have for any serious game player. 

4.4BSD-Lite.  The Berkeley BSD source code only CDROM.
If you love to read good code and tinker with your system, this is the 
disc for you.  This software contains software developed by the University
of California, Berkeley, and its contributors.  This CDROM includes source
code and manual pages for the C library, about 95% of the utilities
distributed in 4.4BSD, and all but a few files from the kernel.  The
system is almost entirely ANSI C and IEEE POSIX 1003.1 and 1003.2
standards compliant.  We have both a domestic (includes encryption)
and an international version.  The price for either is $39.95.

Ada CDROM. 2 CD Set. $39.95, plus shipping. Current release, March, 1997
1.3 GB of Ada documentation, information, and source code from the Public
Ada Library. A special edition for the Tri-Ada '96 conference in 
Philadelphia, 3rd-7th of December 1996.  Ada users should not be without
this library. This CDROM is a copy of the Internet's Public Ada Library
(PAL). Several thousand files added or updated since the August '96 edition!
Major Addition! The Ada Advocacy Package, or Making the Business Case for
Ada. This is a collection of refined, tested, best-of-breed Ada advocacy
materials created for the need of the Ada community.  Major Tool!  GNAT 3.0.5
the GNU NYU Ada95 translator sponsored by the Free Software Foundation.

ASME's Mechanical Engineering Toolkit. This CDROM contains the full archive
of the MechEng BBS. Among the 5,400 files, you'll find complete systems for 
Finite Element Analysis, CAD systems, tools, applications, and hundreds of 
support files for mainstream engineering programs. Some of the programs
covered include: astronomy, space theory, CAD, math tools, and much more.
This CDROM is $49.95

Antennas CDROM. WIN/DOS September 1996. $39.95 plus shipping. The 2000+ files
on the Antennas CDROM cover 50 different antennas, including all of the common
dipole, vertical, Yagi and Quad variations, plus many less common types like
horns, parabolas, corner reflectors, and others. Many of Antennas articles
and programs are original, available exclusively on the Antennas CDROM. 
Become an Antennas expert with: Design programs to secure desired
performance at specified frequencies. Do your own comprehensive analysis
of antennas with three powerful analysis programs: NEC (Numerical 
Electromagnetic Code) MiniNec (miniature NEC) and ThinWire. Critique
reflecting bodies made of sheets or simulated by wire-grid bodies. 
Reference design and application data on m, towers, elements, wire,
and anchors. Plus you get articles with over 100 illustrations on aspects
of antenna design and use.  Us the extensive collection of antenna related
public domain programs. We provide source code for nearly all programs,
in BASIC and Fortran, and tested to work with most common compilers and 
interoreters. Antennas also includes historical write-ups and 
bibliographies for additional data and programs.  You'll find the design and
analysis tools on Antennas essential. Expand your antenna knowledge and your
Ham Radio expertise with the Antennas CDROM.

Applets (For Java) CDROM. $29.95 Applets contains Java applets with classes.
Many have sources complete with examples. This CD also has Java stand-alone
applications, tools such as Java development kits, a Java to C translator,
Java compilers, and tutorials for Java programmers. The interface requires
Netscape 2.0 or better. You get: Animations, buttons, calculator, Tetris,
Black Jack, Gif browser, and much more. 

Avalon 3D Objects.  A collection of 3D objects, images, scenes, textures,
viewers, demos, source codes, and utilities.  Avalon is the popular 3D
internet archive site formerly at chinalake.navy.mil.  This CDROM is a
great resource for computer graphics and provides you with hours of fun and
entertainment. It also comes with FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions and
Answers) for 3D graphics, ray tracers (3D), viewers, painters to
programming and development tools. $39.95

Awesome Animations.  200 files of the latest CAD-rendered animations.
Dr. Chip, a twenty-year veteran of computer graphics, is your guide through
these wacky and wonderful FLI sequences.  Use them as royalty-free 3D
clipart!  Animations include: Swimming Fish, Bones and Muscles, Bomber
Planes, and Morphing Lions.  $19.95

Beer Homebrewing Guide CDROM.  This disc is a complete reference and
tutorial on brewing beer at home.  Whether your favorite is a golden
lager, an oatmeal stout or a Hefe Weitzen, this CD will show you how
it's done.  Inside you'll find a narrated, full color picture
tutorial.  Step-by-step instructions guide you selecting the right
equipment, ingredients, and recipes to produce a brew that your
friends won't believe you made yourself.  You get a huge collection
of beer recipes in an indexed, hypertext format to give you instant
point and click reference to your favorite style in seconds.  The
Internet beer discussion news-groups hold the personal experiences of
hundreds of amateur brewers.  We've made this information easy to
access in a fully indexed Windows compatible hypertext format.  The
Beer Homebrewing Guide is fully Microsoft Windows 3.1 compatible and
requires a VGA or better graphics display.  $39.95.

Bethany Bible CDROM. May 1996. The Bethany CDROM contains over 1,200 of the
finest Bible related shareware, programs, and files available. It is the 
ultimate Bible shareware collection, and covers both Christianity and
Judaism. You get programs for DOS, Windows, Windows 95, and OS/2. The Bethany
Bible collection includes: 14 different Bible search programs including,
God's Word for Windows, SwordSearcher, Bible Ease, WinBible, and many others.
Many Bible translations including Darby Bible, King James Version, Webster
Bible, Latin Vulgate Bible, and Greek New Testament. Many Bible reference
books including Nave's Topical Bible. 26 Bible games, special utilities,
and much more. This CDROM is BBS Ready. Add this disc to your reference
collection today! $39.95

Blackhawk for Windows '95. A complete collection of archived Windows '95
utilities, applications, and accessories. Graphic, Communications, Internet,
Games, Music, and Educational files. Welcome to the Blackhawk Window's 95
archive CDROM. This disc contains the latest Windows 95 shareware, and
freeware, all BBS ready. $29.95. Latest release is dated November 1996.

Blowfish OS/2 2-CD Set.  This 2-disc set includes shareware and
public domain programs and files for OS/2 aficionados. System and file
utilities, text editors, programming tools and more. The programs are 
uncompressed, ready to run and categorized. $29.95, plus shipping.

Brainstormer Jr CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. The PC Educational resource
for younger children. This CD contains over 200 shareware and freeware
educational programs and texts for younger children. Subjects include
Mathematics, Writing, Reading, Language, Geography, and many more. 

Brainstormer Sr CDROM. $29.95 plus shipping. 100s of educational
programs from the Brainstormer archive. This is a collection of over
380 educational programs and 580 complete novels and other works
of literature from Shakespeare and Twain as well as historical documents,
references, and poetry. 

Business Software Library CDROM. This CDROM contains hundreds of Business
related software.  You'll find many useful programs for different aspects 
of your business, ie. from accounting, shipping, bar coding, finance, 
desktop publishing and many more.  This also includes a 159 page 
easy-to-follow reference book to guide you to every program on the CDROM.
The price is $39.95

Butterfly CDROM. WIN. August 1996.$19.95 plus shipping. The Butterfly 
collection of MS Windows Shareware brings you the finest in MS Windows 
software. You'll find 904 carefully selected programs with a focus
on scientific programs, and advanced utilities. Conveniently all 
programs are READY_TO_RUN right from the CDROM. What can you do with this
collection? Learn with neural network, astronomy, and scientific
programs. Relax while playing educational games. Write your own
multimedia and hyper-text programs with a wide variety of utilities
supplemented by sound and graphics editing tools. Listen to music CDs
on your CDROM player with audio CD player software. Explore the Internet
and World Wide Web with the extensive collection of Internet utilities
(Winsock). A carefully selected set of email programs will get your reading
email quickly and easily. Liven up your desktop with thousands of ready-to-use
fonts. Speed up your system with hundreds of up-to-date printer and video
drivers. Every MS Windows user can optimize their Windows enviroment
and find programs for work and home in the Butterfly collection. Order your
copy today!

CUG C User's Group CDROM. This CDROM gives you the entire C/C++ Users
Group Library through volume #445, a collection of more than 280 MB
of user-supported C/C++ source code. Source code compiles for MS-DOS,
Unix, and other platforms. You get: Internet Tools, Cross-Compilers,
Source Analysis, Best of GNU, Postscript Tools, Text Editors, and much
much more. This CDROM also contains all the source code listings
published in the C/C++ Users Journal since 1983. This disc provides you
with thousands of files that you can analyze and incorporate into your
own applications. Learn how to write portable code by reading portable 
code. Join the C/C++ Users Group online at: http://www.HAL9K.com/cug/.
The latest version of this CDROM is dated January 1997.. $49.95 plus shipping.

CICA Microsoft Windows CDROM.  This 2 disc set contains thousands of 
Microsoft Windows programs which includes hundreds of utilities, games, 
fonts, bitmaps, and more; all written especially for MS Windows.  
The disc is based on the CICA Windows collection from Indiana University.  
Most of the files on the disc are in zip format. This CDROM is also
MSDOS BBS ready. This disc is available by quarterly subscription for 
$19.95 plus appropriate shipping.  The retail price is $29.95.

CICA NT CDROM. $39.95 plus shipping. December 1996. An Ultimate collection
of 825 programs for Windows NT. We carefully sorted the CICA NT CDROM into
24 categories so you can find what you want quickly. All files are zipped
and BBS ready. You can browse this disc easily with our handy View program.
Here is a short listing of categories included: Applications, GNU files, 
Games, Device Drivers, File Editors, Graphic Related Files, and much more!
If you're running Windows NT, you're sure to find this CDROM handy.
The CDROM also includes 95 programs for DEC Alpha machines running Windows NT

Civilization II Toolkit CDROM. October 1996. $19.95, plus shipping.
This CDROM will enhance your game playing experience. It will teach you
new strategies, enhance your current game with modifications, and challenge
you with new scenarios and maps. Includes new maps, new scenarios, FAQs.

Clip Art Image Library CDROM with Book. Highlight your text documents
with these high quality pictures. You get 5342 black and white and 1030
color images in PCX and TIF formats. The Clip Art Image Library CDROM has
the pictures you're looking for.  We've indexed and printed every image on 
this CDROM in the book. Open it and browse through the images. You'll see
each image on the page before selecting it.  With this CDROM's easy image
viewing program, you'll quickly view, then copy any image you want onto
your hard disk. The Clip Art Image Library CDROM covers dozens of themes,
from business to animals.  This disc is wonderful for newsletters, 
presentations, company and school reports, even adding an extra touch
to your letters to Mom and Dad. $39.95

Clip Art Palette CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. Clip Art Palette contains
1800 pieces of high quality, royalty-free computer images from the Internet.
The images are provided in PICT, TIFF, EPS, and BMP formats and can be
imported or pasted into word processing, graphics, and desktop
publishing programs. A book is provided so you can easily find the pictures
you want to include on your creations.

Clipper CDROM.  Increase your productivity with this convenient 
collection of Clipper programming language utilities and source code.  
This collection includes: upgrades and patches for Clipper 5.2 and 5.3, 
conversion routines for DBF and ASCII files, archives, documents and 
newsletters from Clipper conferences, tutorials for clipper procedures 
and FDILIB, Computer-Aided Software Engineering(CASE) tools, including 
the debuggers SPY_TRAK, D86, MRDEBUG, PCX, GIF and ASCII graphics 
utilities, graphic package front ends, statistic generators and windows 
interfaces, functions for handling text, including utilities for 
dealing with the MEMO field.  MSDOS. $39.95

Command and Conquer/Warcraft Toolkit CDROM.  40 New levels, 18 utilities,
map and building editors and saved games for Command & Conquer and
Warcraft 2.  Learn how to play better with documents and FAQ's. Play
27 new multiplayer levels, and 17 new singleplayer levels. Customize your
copy of the game with cool utilities.  Get ready to work with these add-ons
to Warcraft2. Play 42 single player maps, and 59 multiple player maps, and
learn how to play better with a strategy quide. Don't let your mission
be a failure, buy this disc today! $19.95.

CP/M CDROM.  This disc contains over 18,000 files with executable
programs, source code, documentation, and other material for the CP/M
operating system.  Included are the entire Simtel20 pub/cpm archives,
the contents of some major CP/M bulletin boards, and the personal
collections of several leaders in the CP/M community. The disc has
emulators and other tools for working with CP/M files under DOS, OS/2
and Unix. Most programs include documentation and source. Includes
programs for all different computers: Kaypro, Osborne, Commodore,
Amstrad, Starlet and others. $39.95

Delphi Toolkit CDROM. $39.95 plus shipping. December 1996. 
A collection of components, utilities, and documents for Borland's 
Delph 1.0 and 2.0 programming language. This CDROM contains over 1,582 files
in 169 megabytes to help you use Borland's Delphi programming language.
Based on the the Internet's popular Delphi Super Pages, this CDROM contains
the most asked for components, utilities, and tools for Delphi. Here's a
sample of what you'll get on this CDROM: User Interface, Grahics, Database
Components, Networking/Internet Utilities, Operating System Tools, and
much more!  You're going to get a lot more than just these few selections
from the CDROM. We've included 123 megabytes of files for Delphi 1.0 and
46 megabytes for Delphi 2.0. This CDROM contains a very easy to use 
Windows viewer and it even has HTML indexes, too!  Programming goes alot
quicker if you reuse code, and this CDROM has tons of source code included!

Doom Shareware CDROM.  Doom is undoubtedly THE hottest game of 1994.
ID software's Doom is a fast-moving virtual reality game in which you
are plunged in to a brutal 3-D world.  To escape alive, you must
outfight legions of grisly fiends and solve DOOM's lethal puzzle.

Digital Stamp Album CDROM. An exciting tour of American stamp
history. This disc is an electronic catalog of 10,530 digitized images
of American stamps. You'll enjoy the user friendly interface. Search for
stamps by year, or by the stamp's number. Includes a slide show 
and trivia game to help you learn even more about stamps.  The invaluable
program includes the US stamp collection database, and the current
market values for all US stamps.  $39.95

Doom Toolkit CDROM.  With 6000 files, 3500 news articles from the
alt.games.doom newsgroup, and more than 500 ready to run add on levels,
this disc will surely provide you with hours of enjoyment.  Included on
this disc are extra maze levels, tools for map editing, Doom utility
programs, and documentation on Doom and its special data files.  The disc
is set up so you can run the wads directly off the CDROM using our handy
shell and *your* copy of the *registered* version of DOOM I or II.  [This
disc does not have a copy of DOOM -- you *must* buy a registered version
direct from id Software.]  We updated the disc February, 1996.  $19.95.

Duke Nukem 3D Toolkit CDROM. October 1996. $19.95, plus shipping. 
We've made this disc super-easy to use with all of the levels
ready-to-run right off the CDROM. You get 314 of the newest levels,
level editors, game playing FAQs, patches, sounds, graphics, and much more.
Learn to play like a pro! This CDROM includes hundreds of valuable tricks
and tips from the Duke 3D FAQ archive.

East Asian Text Processing CDROM.  This disc contains 350 programs to help
you process Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese text.  These
utilities allow you to view, edit, and output Asian languages.  For
convenient reference, you also get vocabulary, idiom, and word lists,
scientific research reports, and historical documents.  From the Internet,
USENET newsgroup articles let you explore today's East Asian computing
world.  The programs included on this disc run under Unix, MSDOS, and MS
Windows.  MSDOS BBS ready.  This disc was made in September, 1994.  $39.95.

Eiffel. This CDROM gives you complete access to the world of Eiffel
along with the working tools and classes. You'll find compilers, classes,
and clusters, texts and archives about Eiffel, along with related
lanuguages, and utilities. $39.95

Flight Sim 2000 CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. This disc contains several
shareware and freeware flight simulator programs, as well as utilities,
add-ons, and graphics for your flying enjoyment. There are hundreds of
add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.0/5.1 in conjuction with 
BAO's flight shop product, such as scenery, aircraft, air-traffic control
modules, and more. 

Font Asia Text Pro CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. The cd is a must have for 
anyone using a computer who deals with Asian languages. This disc contains
the latest software abd files for processing text in Japanese, Chinese,
Vietnamese, Korean, and other Asian languages. On this disc you get editors,
input systems, fonts for many of the 2-byte character code sets and scripts
found in Asia, character code conversion utilities, and bilingual
dictonaries for certain Asian languages. There are also several informational
files about certain Asian countries as well as some e-texts of classics in the
native language and some translations into English.

Font Garden.  A professional collection of 500 fonts for MS Windows and
Macintosh.  The CDROM includes a 257 page book illustrating each font and a
handy font browser program that makes it easy to find and install the fonts
you want. $39.95

Fractal Frenzy CDROM.  The Fractal Frenzy CDROM contains the definitive
collection of Lee Skinner's fractal art work.  These images are a beautiful
testament to the power of computer generated art.  You'll find thousands of
fractal images on this disc.  The Fractal Frenzy CDROM contains examples of
all the major fractal types: Mandelbrot, Zexpe, Barnsle, fn(z)+fn(pix),
etc.  You get all the images on the disc in both very high resolution GIF
images (1024x768/256 color) and most of the images also in low resolution
GIF (640x480/256 color).  The low resolution versions are completely
royalty free.  You can view the images on the Fractal Frenzy CDROM with a
PC compatible or a Macintosh.  The images display their best colors on a PC
compatible with a 512K of 1MB SVGA card.  On the Macintosh you need high
solution video.  You'll be enthralled by the images on this disc.  Don't
miss out, get your copy today.  MSDOS BBS ready.  $39.95

Fractal Frenzy II: Postcards from the Edge of Chaos. A collection of
2127 images by eight renowned fractal artists. 213 of these images are in
high resolution GIF format in 1600 x 1200 x 256 colors. the remaining are
at 1024 x 768 resolution in 256 colors. Also included on this disc are the
Fractint version 19 program for MSDOS, MS Windows, and X Windows, source code
and the formulas used to create the fractal images on this disc. This disc
works on a PC with a VGA video card and gives best results with 512 or 
1 meg of video ram. This disc also works on the Macintosh and gives best
results with high resolution video. $39.95

 The Complete FreeBSD Book. $29.95  A must have for any FreeBSD user. 
Two books in one! Running and installing, and essential man pages. 
This book helps you take your first steps with FreeBSD, from installing the
system to getting to know the enviroment. You'll read about detailed 
descriptions of the installation process, including how to share disks between
FreeBSD and other operating systems.  You'll also learn to install and 
configure your X Window system, get to know FreeBSD, and reconfigure your
FreeBSD kernel.  You can order this book separately for $29.95, with the
latest 2 CD set of FreeBSD for $49.95, or if you wish to subscribe to the
FreeBSD CD, you can receive this book for an additional $10.00.  The book
is only shipped with the first subscription you receive. The FreeBSD CD 
subscription is $24.95 plus shipping for each release shipped to you. The 
CD set is updated about every six months. This is a totally risk free offer
because you can cancel at any time! Just contact us when you wish to cancel
your subscription. 

FreeBSD Docs CDROM. The most complete collection of BSD-Unix related
articles and documents from the Internet.  This CDROM contains the
archives of the FreeBSD Mailing Lists, newsgroup archives of comp.unix
bsd, comp.os, comp.386bsd.*, the FreeBSD documents from minnie.cd.adfa.oz.au
and the FreeBSD Web pages on www.freebsd.org.  You can use our Dos or Windows
viewers, or your html browser. The quick access to this huge volume of BSD
information will save you time by letting you quickly locate answers to
your BSD Unix questions.  $39.95

FreeBSD 2.1.6 CDROM. FreeBSD 2.1.6 is a full BSD 4.4 LITE based UNIX-like 
operating system. This product includes software developed by the University 
of California, Berkeley and its contributors. FreeBSD has a simple CDROM
installation and supports easy switching between multiple operating systems.
 FreeBSD comes with XFree86 3.1.2S (XLLR6) with support for generic VGA/SVGA
and TSENG ET3000/ET4000 and accellerated S3 801/805/864/868/928/964/968,
ATI Ultra/Ultra Pro (Mach32 and Mach64) Diamond Stealth 64, P9000 series,
AGX, W32, and IBM 8514 graphics cards. You also get a rich set of ready
to run X utilities such as fvwm, TCL/Tk, Xaw3d, xjpeg and much more.
 FreeBSD comes with a rich selection of USENET News and mail reading
software (nntp, trn, elm, pine, mh,etc). You also get full Berkeley
style TCP/IP networking services such as telnet, ftp, whois, nslookup,
rlogin, etc. Full support for industry standard NFS, NIS, and AMD
servers with dial on demand PPP and SLIP support make networking 
(and internet working!) a breeze! You'll also get extra Internet
utilities such as gopher, archie, chimera, fsp, and WAIS.  
FreeBSD supports ISO 9660 and RockRidge format CDs. This CD is in RockRidge
format. We, and many others, rely on FreeBSD for our ftp and WEB support.
Visit our 1000+ user server at ftp.cdrom.com, or via the WEB at
http://www.cdrom.com.  Requirements: Standard ISA EISA VL or PCI bus based
PC (386sx to PentiumPro class) 4MB RAM (8MB minimum recommended). You
need a minimum of 60MB for a binary only system and 340MB for a more 
full development. This disc is updated about twice a year, so keep in mind
the subscription rate of 24.95 plus shipping per release. Single release
is 39.95 plus shipping.

FreeBSD Snapshot CDROM. Developmental snapshot. A one disc, early release
of FreeBSD 2.2. *Only* for those that want to easily track the state of
FreeBSD's development. $29.95 single release, $14.95 subscription plan.

Game Head CDROM. $12.95, plus shipping. Game Head is your connection
to 50 of the latest, coolest games the world has to offer. 

Game Patches CDROM. Game Patches has 629 DOS and Windows game patches,
including ones for Descent, Stonekeep, Gabriel Knight II, Heroes
of Might & Magic, Hardball V, Harpoon Classic, Sim City, Flight
Simulator, and much much more! Finally here is the answer for your
game playing woes. Patches not only fix bugs in games, they often 
improve them. With this CDROM you'll improve the performance of your
games eliminating system errors and crashes. For hundreds of hours
of more game-playing adventure, Game Patches is the answer!  $19.95

Gandhi CDROM. Apostle of peace and nonviolence, depicts the life and
message of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi's role of liberator of India 
from British rule was only one of his many achievements. His life and
teachings have an universal meaning for all of humankind. Gandhi's life
was his message. On this CDROM, you'll relive the events of his 54 year
public career. Video: 45 minutes of selected movie clips. Photographs:
175 photos. Letters: Copies of original letters in Gandhi's writing.
Gandhi's voice: Original voice recordings, plus much, much more. 
This disc is $39.95.

GIFs Galore CDROM.  Six Thousand GIF images in dozens of categories,
including art, aviation, birds, cars, cats, flowers, fractals,
military, people, raytrace, sci_fi, swimsuit, technology, trains,
Vietnam, and about twenty other categories.  There is no "adult"
material on this disc.  Most images are 640x480 and in full color.
Viewers are provided for MSDOS, Windows, Amiga, Macintosh, OS/2,
Sparc, SGI, X11R5, and several other systems.  The price is $39.95.

GigaGames 4 CDROM. July 1996. Welcome to the fourth edition of the popular
GigaGames series. Here you'll get all of the latest shareware games your
friends are talking about. You'll find updated versions of your favorite
classic adventure, card, arcade, and sports games. Save time and money
by trying demos of hot new commercial games. Are you a fan of 3-D games
like Descent? You'll find many of these scattered through the action and
arcade catefories. You'll enjoy a collection of over 2500 games in over
40 categories. With so many to choose from, you're guaranteed to have hours
of fun ahead of you! DOS/MSDOS/WIN/OS/2. $39.95.

GNU CDROM contains the complete GNU software library, as well as
binaries for both SunOS 4.1.3 and Solaris 2.3.  This software is
ready to be compiled on a great number of platforms, and includes
such packages as Emacs 19.25 and gcc 2.6.0.  This disc is an
essential for all UNIX users.  This disc is in Rock Ridge format, so
full unix pathnames are visible on systems that support the Rock
Ridge extensions.  The price is $39.95.

Hobbes Archived OS/2 CDROM.  This two disc set contains the OS/2 archives
from ftp.cdrom.com.  This disc was named "Product of the Year" by
OS/2 Magazine.  With over 1000 megabytes of files in over 10,000
files, this is the largest collection of shareware and public domain
programs for OS/2.  This disc includes multimedia programs, desktop
accessories, drivers, 32 bit software, demos, games, compilers,
icons, product updates, and patches for OS/2 Warp.  MSDOS BBS ready.
This disc is available also by quarterly subscription for $19.95 per
issue, plus appropriate shipping.  The single issue price is $29.95.

Hobbes Ready To Run CDROM.  From the Hobbes Internet site, here is a
disc full of Ready-to-Run OS/2 applications.  You'll get Emacs 19.25,
EMX08h, gcc 2.5.8, TeX, ghostscript 2.6.1, the GNU utility suite,
multimedia AVI movies, the OS/2 2.1 for Windows Service Pack, and
much more.  We have uncompressed all these applications.  They are
installed and ready for you to sample with minimal changes to your
hard disc setup.  $39.95

The Home Education Library CDROM w/Book. $39.95 plus shipping. MSDOS, and
Windows (3.1 and 95). 1,280 educational programs for Windows and MSDOS.
Comes with a 200 page book with file descriptions.
 The Home Education Library CDROM has been compiled to provide a complete
library of software for parents, teachers, and students. The Home Education
Library is primarily designed for children between 3 and 12.  
 Give your children a head start in life, add this CDROM to your family's
software library today!
 Subjects covered include:  Computing, English, Languages, Science, Music,
Math, History, Games, and much more. 

Hornet Underground CDROM. 420 Megs of the best demos collected from the 
Internet. The Hornet Underground CD contains 1250 Demos. Demos, as they
are affectionately called, are NOT GAME, or COMMERCIAL Demos. These
"Demos" are beautiful multimedia works of art, produced by brilliant young
minds, advertising nothing. They are art for the sake of art. A Demo is
music, graphics, code, and design bundled into one small program. 
Demos are often one or two years ahead of games in coding and graphic
tricks. $19.95 plus shipping. June 1996

Hyperstacks CDROM. $19.95, plus shipping. The definitive collection of
HyperCard stacks for Macintosh with over 1,000 shareware and freeware
stacks. Whether you author HyperCard stacks or want to explore the myriad 
ways other people create theirs, this CD is for you. This is an excellent
source for education and development.

Info-Mac CDROM. $39.95, plus shipping. The Info-Mac archive is the
largest collection of Macintosh shareware and freeware on the Internet. 
This site is home to many gigabtyes of some of the best programs available
for the Macintosh. The 2 cd's contain applications, education, games,
fonts, development, printing, communication, and much much more. 

Internet Info CDROM. October 1996. $39.95, plus shipping. 
Your guide to 13,400 useful documents from the Internet.
Here is a short listing of the topics this disc covers: HTML Tutorials,
WWW Guides, FAQs, Internet RFCs, Computer security, Internet Network Maps,
Usenet Technical discussion archives, FTP site lists, and much more. This disc
suits all users from beginner to long time Internet user. 

Japan.jpg CDROM. 750 super high-resolution jpeg images of Japan.
Categories include Festivals across Japan, Modern Japan, Monuments
and Statues, Palaces and Castles, Shrines and Temples, plus much more.
This disc is $39.95.

Japanese Text Processing.
This CDROM contains over 593 MB of files to let you view, edit and 
output Japanese text.  You will find a wide variety of useful programs
such as word and text processors, input systems, Japanese language 
learning aids, games, GNU utilities, dictionaries and vocabulary lists
for MSDOS, MS Windows and Unix systems. This CDROM also contains 118 
Ukiyo-e "Floating World" images from the 18th and 19th century Japan,
11 high resolution images of Japan by David Leong, 860 reports on Japanese
computing by Dr. Kahaner; "Translation as a Profession", an article by
Roger Criss and Ken Lunde's online companion to "Understanding Japanese
Information Processing". $39.95

For the Java (tm) Platform. Java is the latest and coolest way to bring
interaction alive on the Internet. The JOLT! Games CDROM gives you all
the latest game-oriented applets which you can use on your own Web pages.
You also get valuable source code with many of these applets. Become
a better Java programmer by reusing or learning tricks from the original
source code! You get all this code and you'll have fun playing the
72 different games found on this disc! 
This CDROM also comes with the Java Developer's Kit (v1.02). Ports of the
JDK are included on this CDROM, such as Windows 95/NT, MacOS, Solaris
Sparc and Intel. 
This CDROM contains a wealth of cool ready-to-run Java applets waiting
to be plugged into your home pages. You can navigate through this CDROM
using your Java-enabled Web browser or the included Internet Explorer
from Microsoft (if you are running Windows 95 or Windows NT). 
This CDROM is a triple-format disc and will run under Windows 95/NT, MacOS,
and all Unix platforms, including Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, and OpenStep. 
This CDROM will not run under Windows 3.1. 
 February 1997. $29.95 plus shipping. 

Jupiter Impact CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. Explore the SL-9 Comet
Strike on Jupiter. This is a collection of hundreds of incredible
photos, videos, simulations and information, documenting the turbulent
SL-9 comet strike on Jupiter in 1994. Much of the data on this
disc was collected from NASA's Internet archive. The CD takes you on a full
tour of this historic event, from the fiery approach, to the explosive
touchdown and aftermath of the impact.  

Kirk's Comm Disc.  This CDROM contains 630 MB in 5107 files.  You get
programs for MSDOS, MS Windows and OS/2.  If you have modem or run a
BBS, this disc contains everything you need to get started or keep
rolling!  There are programs and utilities for 32 popular BBS
programs including PCBoard, Wildcat, and Remote Access.  You'll find
650 file of door games and programs that can be run from inside your
BBS.  You'll also find utilities to build rip graphics, the latest in
BBS technology.  You'll also find hundreds of programs for calling
BBS and information providers.  MSDOS BBS ready.  January 1996.  $39.95.

La Coleccio'n CDROM.  6,696 MSDOS, Microsoft Windows and OS/2 files
with complete file descriptions in Spanish (only).  Este CDROM cuenta
ma's de 6.696 archivos clasificados en 55 directorios.  La coleccio'n
contiene aplicaciones, informacio'n y mucho ma's para MSDOS,
Microsoft Windows y OS/2.  Incluye dos secciones especiales llena de
material para autoediccio'n y programas para calculadoras HP-48SX.
Este CDROM fue preparado para ser instalado in BBS.  La coleccio'n
fue preparado en March 1996.

Linux Developers Kit. $49.95, plus shipping. The Linux Developers Kit
offers you the best value available for Linux. The most recent files from
all the major Linux archives on the Internet and put together into
a convenient package. All of the discs included in this package are the
latest we have to offer.  You can expect to get the latest kernels
and recent versions of Slackware, Red Hat and Debian, the most popular
Linux distributions.  Also included are the Linux archives at sunsite.unc.
edu and tsx-11.mit.edu, the two most popular archives on the Internet.
The Linux Developers Kit also contains a wealth of documentation. 

Linux Games CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. World's premier collection
of Linux Games and Game tools. Experience the latest amusements available
for the game developer's preferred platform - Linux. Each game and utility
has been installed and tested. In addition to the hundreds of games there are
also a number of utilities and development libraries for developers who
create games and multimedia software under Linux. 

Linux: Installation & Getting Started. $29.95, plus shipping. 
Includes complete Linux operating system on CDROM. (1 CDROM). 
A great head start for beginners, learn to install Linux the easy way. 
Includes UNIX First Steps tutorial for beginners.  This is an indispensable
resource that you will have by your side at all times. It contains
the most complete and up-to-date information available on the Linux
operating system. When you purchase this book, we also include the latest
release of Slackware as an added bonus for you. With this complete
package, you will be running and enjoying Linux in no time. 

Linux Toolkit 6 CDROM Set. March 1997. $29.95, plus shipping.
This 6 disc release of the Linux Toolkit features Linux software
pulled from popular Internet sites like tsx-11 and sunsite.unc.edu.
There is a wealth of applications, source code, and development tools
among the over 23,000 files in 3.6+ gigabytes included on these discs.
 You will find all of the tools necessary to make your Linux system
into a modern powerhouse, including: Disc 1: Slackware 96 installation
disks.MkLinux Developer Rel.1.(07/30/96) Power Macintosh port. MCC
1.0+ distribution.MCC Interim Linux 1.0+.
Disc2:Slackware 96. The popular Slackware distribution. Debian 1.1.4 
distribution. GNU/Debian distribution. Mini-Linux. Ultra-tiny Linux
(15 MB installed).
Disc 3: Linux kernels through 2.0.12. Reengineered networking and
memory management. Newer kernels may also be available on disc. 
GNU C and C++ compiler 2.7.2. World renowned C compiler. Wine 8/5/96. 
Experimental Windows emulator.
Disc 4: 68000 Linx Ports. Motorola 680x0 processor: Atari, Amiga.
PovRay 2.2. State of the art ray tracing package. NTeX 2.1.1 Typesetting system
for Linux. 
Disc 5: Binutils The newest binary utilities for Linux.
Sys VInit 2.64. System V initalization program. MC-68000 Simulator.Run
Motorola binaries on your x86.
Disc 6: ftp.funet.fi:/pub/Linux. Selected directories from this
popular Finnish archive. 
This CDROM is for the system developer looking to get the most of their
Linux system with up to the minute kernel and experimental software

MPEGIA CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. This cd contains hundreds of the most
fascinating MPEGs taken from all over the Internet. MPEG has become a
standard for cross-platform digital compressed video. Also included are
shareware and public domain MPEG viewers for all platforms. MPEG categories
include:Astronomy, Nature, Digital Simulations, Mathematical, People, 
Geographical, and more. Some of these MPEGs contain
only video, but many contain audio as well.

MacGames 1,2,3.CD's. $29.95 EACH, plus shipping.  The original series of
Macintosh games. The MacGames series is a collection of the best, fastest,
and latest shareware and freeware games for the Macintosh. There is no
overlap between the programs on MacGames 1, 2, and 3. There are games for
every interest and age, adventure, cards, space stragety, and much more.

MacScholar Jr CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping.  Macintosh software for
primary education.  This is a collection of educational software from
the Internet for the younger set. Designed for children who are learning 
to use computers to elementary kids, this disc will help parents give their
kids the advantage they need to learn about and from computers.

MacScholar Sr CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. Macintosh software for
secondary education. Created by popular demand, MacScholar is a 
great collection of educational software gathered from the Internet for the
Macintosh. Designed for junior high level and above, this CD contains
hundreds of megabytes of reference material.  This disc should prove a
valuable resource in aiding student's education.

MacSource 2 CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. This is the collection you've 
been waiting for. Whether you are just beginning to learn about programming
the Mac, or have been doing it for years, this disc has something for you.
With more than 630 MB of information, MacSource 2 contains everything
you need to get the most out of your Mac programming skills. 

Math Solutions.  This CDROM contains thousands of mathematics programs
and solutions for all levels from kindergarden to advance Calculus:
K-12, Algebra, Dynamics, Geometry, Linear and Matrix Algebra, Modeling, 
Numerical Statistics, Statistics, Complex Variables, Probability programs,
Differential equations, etc. The price is $39.95

Mo'Linux CDROM. $12.95, plus shipping. Pacific HiTech's Linux Archive
Monthly is the answer to keeping up with the dynamic Linux operating system.
Every month, Linux Archive Monthly features 650 megabytes of the latest,
greatest Linux morsels uploaded to the Internet during the previous
month, with many files not found on either tsx-11 or sunsite. We consider
suggestions from the Linux community and make a point of including programs
and files with the most demand.

Music Workshop contains over 450 MB of music related software
including the most comprehensive collection of professional,
commercial demos from the world's leading MIDI software
manufacturers.  Includes demos, drivers, converters, players, MIDI
applications for composing and arranging, utilities for your desktop,
educational programs, patches, samples, WAV's, MID's, and much, much
more.  Thanks to a very intuitive Windows interface, you can use
everything with the click of a button.  $39.95

NASA Source Code:AI & Tools CDROM. $39.95, plus shipping. FORTRAN BASED
SOURCE CODE. This cd is a collection of utilities for a variety of purposes
inluding artificial intelligence. It includes expert systems, programming
tools for Fortran, a star catalog with database, several mathematical
programs and routines, archiving, and retrieval systems, text file
utilities, a graphics library, and several others. All programs come with
source code. This disc contains the smarts and tools that will let you
make better use of your computer and communicate more efficiently with
mathematicians and aliens.

NASA Source Code:Aeronautics CDROM. $39.95, plus shipping. FORTRAN BASED
SOURCE CODE. This disc has over 30 programs related to space
and aeronautics. It includes programs with source code for wind tunnels,
airfoils, calculation of trajectories, aeroelasticity, takeoff and
landing, wing design, supersonic design, the space shuttle, meteoroid
shielding and more. 

NASA Source Code:Flow and Structure CDROM. $39.95, plus shipping. FORTRAN
BASED SOURCE CODE. This cd contains programs for measuring and analyzing
the properties and composition of solids, liquids and gases. It includes
programs for analyzing nozzle exhaust flow fields, super and hypersonic
inviscid flow, thermodynamic and transport properties of various gases,
heat transfer of fins, rotational flow with shock waves, propulsion
sizing, composite point stress analysis, solar flux, and several others.

NASA Source Code:Modeling CDROM. $39.95, plus shipping. FORTRAN BASED SOURCE
CODE. This disc contains over 30 programs related to modeling physical
objects and phenomena as well as a few other programs added for good measure.
This disc includes source code of programs for contour plotting, circuit
analysis, estimation, and calculation of pressures and fields, numerical 
analysis of multi-layer insulation systems, solar array simulation, spectral
analysis, control of linear systems, and more. 

NASA Source Code:General CDROM. $39.95, plus shipping. FORTRAN BASED SOURCE
CODE. The first public release of programs taken from the NASA software
archive, this cd contains the actual code that has been used in our
nation's space program. This is a composite disc with programs taken from
the NASA Engineering Source Code Series. It includes a good selection of
programs from Aeronautics, Modeling, Flow and Structure, and AI and Tools.

Nebula for NeXTStep CDROM.  The fourth edition of the largest
collection of applications presently available for NeXTStep Intel in
categories such as utilities, games, general productivity.  Also
included are graphics files in TIF, PostScript, GIF, and Login Panels
format, as well as a large collection of fonts and sounds.
Programmers will be happy to note that almost all the applications on
the disc comes with complete source code making the Nebula a valuable
reference for NeXTSTEP programmers. A central index is included which
can be used with Digital Librarian to quickly locate the file you're
looking for.  This disc is in Quad-Fat format, so it will work on any
platform.  This disc was made in 1996. $59.95 plus shipping.

Netlib, This CDROM contains mathematical software and aids to scientific
computing. The CDROM is full of source code, data, and documents from the
famous Netlib repository on the Internet. $39.95

Norman Bosworth Vol.1 CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. The first volume in the
series is Light of Days, a collection of 100 royalty free photographs. These
photographs can be used in desktop publishing and for multimedia presentations
to add life and color to your work. Vol.1 is categorized into Desert Scenery,
Seascapes, People, Mountains, Leaves, Sunsets, and more. In TIFF, BMP, and
PICT formats for use on both PC and Mac. 

Norman Bosworth Vol.2 CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. The second volume
brings you 100 images from the Great American Southwest Desert. Some of
the subjects include, graceful curving arches, swirling sandstone, pinnacles,
and many more.You can use this title on both Pc's and Macs. The perfect
addition to your cdrom library.

Paper CD Volume 1, Fiber, Volume 2, Speckled, Volume 3, Clouds, Volume 4,
Stardust, Volume 5, Wheat. $39.95 each, plus shipping.  Each cd contains
20 different high-quality paper backgrounds in various formats and resolutions.
All the images have been drum-scanned to insure the highest quality. The
images are presented in TIFF, BMP, and PICT formats. Use them for desktop
publishing projects, multimedia presentations or for sprucing up your Web 
pages. The approximately 600 MB of graphical data on each disc is 

Perl CDROM. December 1996 release. $39.95, plus shipping. 
CPAN: The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network.  The Perl CDROM is based on
CPAN. Larry Wall's Perl combines the best features of C, sed, awk, and sh.
People familiar with those languages should lobe perl. Perl is an 
interpreted language optimized for scanning text files, extracting
information, and printing reports. It's also an excellent language for
many system management tasks. 
CPAN, aims to be THE Perl archive. It's the only Perl archive you will
ever need. The material is as up-to-date as possible, and organized
to make finding files easy.  You'll own the sources to the latest
versions of both Perl4 (4.036) and Perl5 (5.002, 5.002b3, and 5.003).
You'll also get source or binary versions for Solaris, SunOS, Linux, FreeBSD,
Windows NT/95/3/1, Mac, OS/2, DOS, Amiga, and Atari. Perl compiles on
over 40 platforms. 

PHT Illustrations CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. 100 color illustrations
by Japanese artist Masaru Igeta. In TIFF, BMP and PICT formats for use on the
PC, and Macintosh. Unique color illustrations, subjects include animals, food,
landscapes, amd many more. All the images are royalty free so you can use
them for desktop publishing, newsletters, flyers, etc! 

POVray CDROM (the OFFICIAL version!) is a compilation of images, scene
source, program source, utilities and tips on POVray and 3D graphics from
the Internet and Compuserve.  Unlike some other raytrace compilations, this
one is aimed fairly and squarely at those who want to create their OWN
images. It contains the source for version 2.2 of the copyrighted freeware
raytracer 'Persistence Of Vision' (POVray) as well as binaries for DOS,
Macintosh, OS/2, Amiga, Linux, and several other platforms.  The disk
contains a specially produced Microsoft Windows-based interactive tutorial
designed for beginners. Even if you're already a seasoned POVray user,
this disk is a 'must have' resource of high-quality scene source files
(some of them never before released), utilities, modelers and graphics
source code.  The disk is in ISO9660 format and Macintosh. $39.95.

Power DOS CDROM.  Power DOS contains 1,909+ of the world's best programs
handpicked from the coolest Internet sites in the world.
This CDROM maximizes your productivity, customizes your DOS environment,
and provides you with hours of fun and entertainment.  Power DOS
includes anti-virus utilities, networking and TCP/IP programs, games,
game cheats, patches to upgrades commercial software, sound drivers,
patches, supports, MOD players, utilities for disks, keyboards, memory,
printers and tape drives.  It also comes with programming utilities and
source for assemblers, C and Modula-2 programming language, graphic drivers,
ray tracers (3D), viewers, painters and much much more.  MSDOS. $19.95

PowerWeb CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. Write your own Internet Home Page! 
This is a collection of shareware, freeware and public domain documentation,
tools and examples for HTML. the language used to create documents for the
Internet. With PowerWeb you can create your own homepage and build a WWW
site as you please. Accompanying the CD-ROM is a book with tutorial,
reference and index sections for the CD-ROM.

Project Gutenberg CDROM. This disc contains electronic texts of
Project Gutenberg for 1991, 1992, 1993, and most of 1994.  The
e-texts on the disc include classic literature such as Aesop's
Fables, Alice in Wonderland, Moby Dick, and Paradise Lost; historical
documents such as the Magna Carta, U.S. Declaration of Independence,
U.S.  Constitution, Inaugural Addresses and the NAFTA documents;
references such as Roget's Thesaurus, almanacs, census data, the CIA
World Fact Book, "Surfing the Internet", mathematical constants, and
select philosophical papers from the International Philosophical
Preprint Exchange; religious documents such as the King James Bible,
and the Book of Mormon.  MSDOS BBS ready.  The disc was updated in
October, 1994.  This disc is available by semi-annual subscription
for $24.95 plus appropriate shipping.  The single price is $39.95.

Quake Toolkit CDROM. 2nd Ed January '97. $19.95, plus shipping & handling. 
Included on this CDROM are programs that will let you get the most out of
Quake. On this disc, you'll find files such as 66 add-on levels, add-on
graphics files, and over 111 utility programs. Some of the other features
of this CDROM are: 18 recorded demos from the actual game, Desktop altering
graphics files, Graphics viewers and editors, FAQs, and much more.

QRZ! Ham Radio CDROM.  This disc contains the January 1996 US CALLSIGN
DATABASE (in ASCII).  The database also contains 115,000 Italian, Canadian
and English call signs -- 1.000.000 call signs in all!  You also get
MSDOS, OS/2 AND Windows compatible search and retrieval software, search
by callsign, name, city, zip code, several output formats including screen,
mailing lists, etc.  There are hundreds of popular ham related (shareware)
programs and nearly 200 radio and scanner modifications.  Also included are
USENET news articles from rec.ham-radio and rec.radio.amateur.{misc
packet, policy since 1989.  Also provided are complete dumps of several
internet ham radio archives, Canadian and US CLUB callsigns, FCC Rules and
Regulations (Part 97), DX lists, DXCC info, BBS lists, UNIX callsign
database/server 'C' source code, Easy MS Windows callsign browser,
SIMTEL20 Ham Radio Archive files, and vast amounts of useful reading
information for the beginning to the advanced ham enthusiast.  MSDOS BBS
ready.  This disc was made in December 1996.  The single issue price is
$29.95, convenient subscriptions are $19.95 per issue.

Red Alert Toolkit CDROM. February 1997. $19.95, plus shipping. 
 Cross the point of world domination with Command & Conquer's
Red Alert! 
 The Toolkit for Red Alert CDROM is jam-packed with new levels,
utilities, save games, and documentation to help you get the most
out of this exciting game. 
 This is what you'll find on this CDROM:
384 new levels for single or multiple players, each level also
comes with detailed description by size and climate. 
 4 new editors for map-creating power.
4 FAQ's that will make you a pro at Red Alert.
28 save games that let you start anywhere you like in the game,
4 cheats for the curious and hacker-minded players. 
 This CDROM features an easy-to-use HTML interface, as well as the
traditional Windows and DOS view program that lets you install new files
with ease. So get ready to play like there's no tomorrow! 
 *Requires a registered copy of Commmand & Conquer Red Alert. 

Red Hat Linux CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. A complete Red Hat Linux
distribution, plus contributed files and Japanese extensions. Features
an even easier floppy-less installation, thanks to t he use of a modular
2.0.27 Linux kernel. This distribution also includes the FIPS utility
for easy disk partitioning. The second CD contains over 400 megabytes
of additional software, all in Redhat package (RPM) format. 

Science Library CDROM.  The Scientific and Technical Library CDROM
offers one of the largest selections of scientific and specialist
software on the market.  This CDROM is intended for the technical and
scientific user who can't afford to wade through thousands of games,
reminder systems and the like looking for what he wants.  It brings
together virtually all available technical and scientific programs
for DOS and Windows plus vast amounts of source code and utilities.
This CDROM comes with a printed book which carefully describes each
file.  This CDROM includes astronomy, electronics, engineering, among
other technical disciplines.  PDSL, England's longest established
shareware library, compiled this disc.  October 1995, $39.95

Screensavers CDROM. $19.95, plus shipping. Make heads turn with snazzy
screen savers. Liven up your computer with over 100 screensavers. Screen
saver utilities are included as well. 

Sentimental Wings CDROM.  This disc looks at the aircraft that helped
set the pace of the future -- from the beginnings of the Cold war
through the fall of the Soviet Union.  This exciting Windows disc
contains a text and image viewer.  You get dramatic full color 24 bit
images, performance data, and hefty amounts of historical fact
surrounding their development and production.  You get all images in
a variety of formats.  $19.95

Shuttle Encyclopedia CDROM.  This is the most comprehensive
encyclopedia about the Space Shuttle ever produced.  It has 3015 JPG
images, most in full color, all royalty-free.  It has 3779 text files
about EVERY Shuttle mesion.  These are mostly NASA documents.  Each
Shuttle mission is represented.  In addition, we included categories
such as the 747 Shuttle Ferry, night images of the launch pad, and
pictures of the instrumentation.  Delve into the history and
excitement of the Shuttle program! $39.95

Simtel MSDOS CDROM.  This is a TWO disc set which contains about 1.2
gigabytes of utilities, programming tools, source code, technical
documentation, etc.  It includes the entire Simtel MSDOS Archive.
There is an index file in each directory, and a master index file in
the top directory that describes each file.  The current edition was
made in October 1995.  MSDOS BBS ready.  This disc is available by
quarterly subscription for $19.95 per issue plus appropriate
shipping.  The single issue price for this two disc set is $29.95.

Slackware Linux 96 (3.1.0) CDROM 4-disc set. 39.95 single release, 24.95
subscription. The Official Linux Slackware (R) 96 is the perfect choice
for a low cost, high performance 32-bit multiuser operating system.
Developed by Linus Torvalds and hundreds of volunteer programmers on the
Internet, Linux is a clone of the UNIX operating system. 
 Patrick Volkerding created the Slackware distribution of Linux, and 
authored this CDROM set. Linux Slackware 96 turns your machine into
a multitasking workstation with a full range of software development,
text editing, and image processing tools. What's more, you'll be able to
connect your machine to the Internet and use electronic mail or news. 
 This package includes everything you need to install and run
Slackware Linux 96. You get complete source code and compilers. The
first CDROM contains the easy to install Linux system (kernel 2.0.0)
source code, and a live Linux file system. The other CDROMs contain
Linux programs and documentation from popular Linux ftp sites around
the Internet, such as sunsite.unc.edu, and tsx-11.mit.edu. 
 Official Slackware Linux 96 requires 4MB of memory (8 is recommended)
and at least 12MB of hard disk space to run in a CDROM dependant mode. 
You don't need to repartition your hard disk, you can install Slackware 
on a DOS partition. Depending on what you install, Linux can use anywhere
from 40 to 300 MB. A minimal hard drive installation with C and C++ development
tools, networking, electronic mail and news, the XFree86 X Window
System (version 3.1.2) and several applications requires around 80MB. 
 Linux Slackware 96 is compatible with most 385SX or better PC hardware.
The advanced features of the Linux 2.0.0 kernel provide stellar performance
on high-end systems, including support for symmetric multiprocessing
(up to 16 processors) PCI, and special code optimizations for the 486, 
Pentium, and Pentium Pro. Slackware supports most CDROM drives, sound cards,
ethernet cards, and mice. (If it doesn't work for you, return it for an
unconditional refund)
Join the thousands of users worldwide who have found a better way to
compute. Patrick Volkerding releases a new version of Slackware about
every six months, so subscribe and stay current! 

Spider CDROM. Explore the world of exotic spiders! Take a multimedia
into the exciting world of spiders. Color photographs and video footage
show you how spiders spin their webs, watch their courtship dances, and see
spiders you've never seen before like the spitting spider, the purse-web 
spider, and the ant-mimicking spider. This CDROM has a cool interface you'll
enjoy. You can print the narrative text and mythology sections for
easy reference. Filled with facts and narrated by Emmy-award winner
Rick Hull, the Spider CDROM will give you a new appreciation for our
eight-legged friends. $29.95

Space and Astronomy CDROM.  This disc contains thousands of NASA
images and data.  The images include pictures of the earth, the
planets, satellites, rockets, distant galaxies, and nebula.  There
are also thousands of text files, including information on asteroids,
astronauts, NASA news bulletins and press releases since 1962, and
the USENET sci.space archives.  A collection of astronomy and space
related shareware and PD software is also included.  MSDOS BBS ready.
The price is $39.95.

Sprite CDROM.  This disc contains the source code and documentation
for the Sprite Network Operating System.  Sprite was a research
operating system developed at the University of California, Berkeley.
All the research papers from the Sprite project are also included on
the disc.  This software on this disc is primarily intended for
research purposes, and is not really intended to be used as a
production system.  Boot images are provided for Sun SparcStations
and DECStations.  The cost is $29.95.

Supreme Court CDROM.  A collection of 18,497 files in 465 MB relating
to Supreme Court opinions from 1988 to 1994. Supreme Court CDROM is
ready for MSDOS and Macintosh systems.  This CDROM contains syllabi,
concurring opinions, dissenting opinions, per curium and other
pertinent text files in ASCII and WordPerfect format from 544 cases
in 1988 to 1994; and original scanned briefs from 48 cases. $39.95

Sys V R4.  This disc is the third edition of the Lemis CDROM of
*applications* for Unix System V.4.2.  This CDROM contains 610 MB of
free software in source and binary form.  You'll get utility and
development software, graphics demonstrations and X-based games.  We
packaged all binaries in the standard "pkgadd" format.  As a result,
you don't need any special knowledge to install the binaries.  The
installation includes all applicable man pages.  You can mount the
CDROM and use all the files directly from the CDROM.  $59.95.

Task Buster CDROM. An excellent collection of PC utilities for any
computer. Includes hefty 300 page of file listings. 
This disc is $39.95.

Tcl/Tk CDROM.  This disc contains the updated Tcl (Tool Command Language,
pronounced "tickle") and Tk toolkit software from Sprite.Berkeley.edu
and Harbor.ecn.purdue.edu.  This CDROM also includes Expect and contains 
the latest archives for the comp.lang.tcl Usenet newsgroup.  This CDROM is 
in ISO-9660 format with Rock Ridge extensions.  It will work on almost any
Unix system, and is also readable under Dos/Windows.  The disc was made in
October 1995.  $39.95.

Telecomm CDROM. Files, applications, and utilities about the
telecommunications industry. This disc is $39.95. 

TeX is a professional typesetting system created by Professor Donald Knuth
of Stanford University.  These CDROMs contain everything (and more) that
you will need to install and use TeX and LaTeX.  Users have expanded TeX to
handle non-roman alphabets (Japanese, Chinese, Cyrillic, Arabic, etc.).
TeX and LaTeX also have very strong support for mathematical and technical
documents.  With these CDROMs you get the code you need to compile and
install TeX for Unix, MSDOS, Macintosh, Windows NT, OS/2, and other
systems.  You get ready to install packages for MSDOS and Macintosh.  You
also get the fonts packages including Metafont, foreign language support,
contributed documentation, support for indexes, etc.  $39.95

Top 5 Pick for Desk Top Publishing. $49.95, plus shipping. 5 high quality
cd's for your desktop publishing needs. All the material is royalty free.
You get both volumes of Norman Bosworth Photographs, PHT Illustrations,
Clip Art Palette, and the Paper CD. Save money when you purchase this bundle.

Travel Adventure CDROM. The Travel Adventure CDROM contains a first rate
collection of 395 photo images from around the world. All the images
are royalty-free and come in a variety of formats. This CDROM includes
a 16 page full-color book with each image printed inside. $39.95 plus shipping.

Turbo Users Group CDROM. Volume 2, July 1996. Get source code, utilities,
and shareware that is hand-icked for the members of the Turbo User Group
(TUG), including the best in Delphi 1.0 and 2.0! Now the entire TUG library
of 6,800 files are available to you on this CDROM. This exhaustive collection
is full of great code and utilities for Borland's Turbo series of compilers,
including C,C++, and Pascal. Included on this CDROM you'll find: 51 Delphi
programs (including Delphi 1.0 and 2.0). 1,800 C and C++ files. 2,200
Pascal files. 714 MS Windows files. Source listings from PC Techniques
Magazine.  $39.96 plus shipping. Win/DOS.

Ultra Mac Games 2 CDROM.  This is the largest collection of Apple
Macintosh games.  It's super easy to have fun, because all games are
ready to run directly from the CDROM!  You don't lose any disk space
and you can start playing instantly.  The disc features 524 Megs of
games, from early classics to the newest shareware.  Ultra Mac Games2 
includes arcade games, card games, text and graphic adventures,
puzzles, word games, and war games.  You will also find the latest
commercial demos, hints, cheats, walk throughs, and maps for many
popular games.  Bonus selections include Virtual Reality and Newton
files.  To make every game really easy to find, the disc is fully
indexed and made web-ready. You'll have hours of pure Apple fun with 
the Ultra Mac-Games 2 CDROM.  $39.95.

Ultra Mac Learning Universe, Welcome to the Learning Universe CDROM.
With over 500 programs, ready to run right from the CDROM. 
You'll enjoy a wide selection of Astronomy to Physics. $39.95

Ultra Mac Utilities CDROM.  This CDROM is 630 megabytes of the best
shareware and freeware utilities for your Macintosh computer.  We've
carefully selected and organized the files, and they are all
ready-to-run right off the CDROM.  Inside, you'll find many great
communications programs including Fetch 2.1.2 and Eudora 1.5.1, the
latest virus checkers, and hundreds of control panels to customize
your Mac.  Have fun with sound and Quicktime utilities, After Dark
screensaver modules, and hundreds of True Type and bitmap fonts.  Be
prepared with disk utilities that help you install and troubleshoot
your hardware.  Many of the programs will let you organize,
streamline, and enhance your system.  Your Mac will be easier and
more fun to use.  PowerMac users get a special folder composed
entirely of software written just for the Power Macintosh series
computer.  Produced March, 1995.  $39.95.

Umich CDROM. $29.95, plus shipping. 1000 programs from the University of
Michigan. You get the latest in home, business, and educational applications
as well as games and development tools. 

Viper CDROM. Visual programming tools for Visual Basic, Visual C++,
Borland C/C++, and Turbo Pascal.  This disc is $39.95.

Visions CDROM.  This disc is 500 great photographs from the Preferred
Stock photo archives.  All images are ROYALTY FREE and come in
640x480 and 600x800 resolutions in GIF format.  The images are
categorized into subjects such as art, churches, holidays,animals,
seasons.  This disc works on DOS/Windows or Mac.  $39.95.

Visions 2. Nature CDROM. This CDROM contains 75 professional
stock photographs. All images are royalty free and come in 
4 different image formats: BMP 1024x768 (8 bit RGB), PICT 
640x480 (24 bit RGB), JPEG 640x480 (24 bit RGB), TIFF 
1500x1125 (24 bit CMYK).  The images are categorized into
subjects such as animals, plants and scenic.  $39.95

Visions 3. Objects and Backgrounds. Direct from the Preffered
Stock Photo Agency, this CDROM is your source for quality, royalty
free digital stock photography. Visions III answers your imaging
needs, from multimedia design to high quality print production. 
The disc contains 77 photographs, in bmp, tiff, jpeg, and pict.
Seven useful categories.  $39.95

Visions 4. Southwest. 75 royalty-free images from the Preffered
Stock Photo Agency. Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah make up
the categories on this beautiful disc. The disc contains the following
image formats, tiff, jpeg, pict, and bmp.  $39.95

Visions 5. New England. 75 royalty-free images in the following
categories, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts,
and New Hampshire. Our imaging experts color corrected all of these
photos. BMP, Tiff, Pict, and JPEG are the formats. $39.95

Visions 6. Super Fractals. This is the largest collection of super-sized
fractal images ever produced. This unique collection is a rare opportunity
for the lovers and collectors of computer-generated art. 
 Lee Skinner, the author and editor of Fractal Frenzy I and II,
created sixty-five 6400x4800 pixel GIF 87a images for this collection.

Visions 7.People. Catergories include Children, Foreign, Portrait, Relaxing,
Sports, and Working.  Direct from the Preferred Stock Photo Agency, this
CDROM is your source for quality royalty-free digital stock photography.
This disc contains 75 photographs in the following image formats: 
BMP, PICT, JPEG, and TIFF.  This CDROM is $39.95.

Visions 8. Mountains. Categories include Colorado, Montana,
Utah, Wyoming, and Wildlife. Direct from the Preferred Stock
Photo Agency, this CDROM is your source for quality Royalty-Free
digital stock photography. Visions 8. Mountains answers your imaging
needs, from multimedia design to high quality print production.
This disc contains 75 photographs in the following image formats:
BMP, PICT, JPEG, and TIFF. This disc is $39.95.

Visions 9. California. 75 stunning photos of the golden state
from the Preferred Stock Photo Agency. $39.95

Visions 10. Pacific Northwest. 75 scenes of this region's quiet
splendor from the Preferred Stock Photo Agency. $39.95

Visions 12. Architecture, Objects, and Patterns. This CDROM is a
designer's dream come true. From the Preferred Stock Photo 
Agency. $39.95

Visions 13. Sacred Places. 75 photos of the world's most spiritual places.
From the Preferred Stock Photo Agency. $39.95.

Visual Programming & Delphi CD. $29.95, plus shipping. This disc is full
of shareware, freeware, and public domain source code examples for Windows
programmers using Visual Basic, Visual C++ and Delphi. This disc provides
a great selection of programming utilities and tools to make your work
more efficient. Some of the categories covered include, Games, Math and
Science, Communication, and many more. 

VR Zone CDROM. This disc is a collection of applications, files
and information related to virtual reality.  With this cdrom you
can create, explore and interact in virtual worlds.  The
cdrom also comes with shareware programs and demos of leading VR 
softwares.  The 8,000+ files on the cdrom include: The 
sci.virtual-worlds Internet newsgroup, GIF, FLI, PLG, WLD graphic 
images, PCGLOVE, Virtus and other great utilities to help you 
experience Virtual Reality.  This disc is for DOS or Macintosh.
Price is $19.95. 

WebMaster's Toolkit CDROM. $39.95, plus shipping. November 1996. 
 This CDROM will run with any computer that has a Web Browser.  
The WebMaster's Toolkit CDROM is a comprehensive collection of documentation,
utilities, and graphics that help you create, mantain, and improve your
HTML pages. You'll get HTML tutorials and FAQ lists to help you learn about
HTML programming and Web design. You'll be able to create a professional home
page in minutes using our home page templates. Enhance your Web design
with over 2.212 graphic images included on this CDROM. We've also 
included HTML editors, ImageMap utilities, HTML conversion utilities, and 
HTML linl validators for easy maintenance of your site. For more advanced
webmasters, we have included Perl cgi-bin source code, Java applets, and 
ActiveX controls as well. Take a look and see why everyone is talking 
about Java and ActiveX! Save disk space and use these applets and source code
directly off the CDROM.  You'll find Web servers for Windows, Macintosh, and
UNIX on this disc. Here is a short listing of some of the tools you'll get:
animated GIFs, backgrounds, icons, buttons, templates, and much, much more. 
If you want to design your own page, get this disc today! 

Welcome to Thailand CDROM.  This CDROM invites you to discover
Thailand. Let this multi-media adventure be your travel guide.
You'll discover the busy streets of Bangkok and explore the hidden 
places of Thailand.  At each location you can examine the images in detail,
watch a slide show with a traveler's tale and enchanting music. The food 
section show you in words how to prepare and even pronounce Thai-style 
cuisine, complete with printable menus. The price is $19.95

Welcome to Africa CDROM.  This disc invites you to discover Africa.
With the help of over 450 original pictures, it introduces you to all
aspects of life in the continent: from history to economics, cities
to agriculture, beautiful wildlife and vanishing lifestyles to
colorful markets and innovative crafts.  Africa has a rich and
ancient culture, majestic wildlife, breathtaking sceneries, and an
inventive and dynamic people.  This CDROM was developed to teach an
undergraduate course on economic development in Africa at Stanford.
Along with pictures, "Welcome to Africa" includes a sophisticated
role game wherein you will become Yamoussou Ouedraogo.  Yamoussou is
an African who, like many others, lives on a farm in one of the
thousands of villages scattered on the continent.  He has a family to
take care of.  Every year he must make difficult, life threatening
decisions about what to plant, what to buy, who to help, and more.
The world of Yamoussou is a harsh but generous one.  Success is
judged by your ability to help your children and friends.  "Welcome
to Africa" runs under Windows 3.1 on a PC compatible computer, 386 or
above.  It is easy to use and install. It's fun.  It's beautiful.
Where else can you learn so much about Africa?  $19.95.

Winsite 2. $29.95, plus shipping. This four disc set contains thousands
of applications for your PC, taken from the WinSite Internet Site.
Here are just a few of the categories WinSite offers: Desktop applications,
drivers, fonts, games, education, sound files, images, and many more.

Winsite NT. $29.95, plus shipping. The best applications for
Windows NT. You'll find over 500 of the best Windows NT applications
downloaded from the WinSite Internet archive. Subjects covered
included; applications, demos, disk utilities, games, source code, 
sound files, calendars, and many more.

X11R6 CDROM.  This disc contains the X11R6 windowing system from MIT.
This disc is the OFFICIAL X Consortium CDROM for X11R6.  The version
of this disc is patch level 3.  There are also over 200 Megabytes of
contributed software of this disc, with such useful utilities as xv.
This disc was compiled for Sun OS 4.1.3 and Solaris 2.0.  You can run
all binaries directly from the CDROM so there is no need to commit
disk space to X11R6.  You can also compile the sources directly from
the CDROM.  This disc is in Rock Ridge format, so full unix pathnames
are visible on systems that support the RR extensions.  This CDROM
was made in September 1995.  The price is $39.95.


We continue to seek partners in CDROM production.  If you have a good idea
for a disc and want to work with us, give us a call, or email 



The CICA MS Windows, Simtel MSDOS, Hobbes OS/2, QRZ Ham Radio, Slackware
Linux, FreeBSD, Ada discs, Project Gutenberg are available by subscription.
We update CICA MS Windows, Simtel MSDOS, QRZ Ham Radio
Ada and Hobbes OS/2 ABOUT quarterly.  We update FreeBD, Slackware and Project
Gutenberg discs ABOUT every six months.  When we have a new
version we ship them to our subscribers.  We bill your credit card when we
ship.  Enjoy lower cost and convenient updates.  The cost is only $19.95
per issue for CICA, Simtel, Hobbes, QRZ!; $24.95 for FreeBSD, Ada, Project
Gutenberg, and Slackware Linux.  The standard shipping charge applies.
Subscriptions are by credit card order only!

Most of these CDROMs, except the Ultra Mac Games and Ultra Mac
Utilities CDROMs, are in ISO-9660 format, so they are readable on
almost any system.

MSDOS BBS ready means the disc has index files for opus (files.bbs),
Wildcat, Spitfire, PCBoard, RBBS, file_id.diz.


Shipping is $5 in the USA, Canada, and Mexico for First Class.  Overseas is
$9 PER ORDER.  There is an additional $3 COD charge (USA Only).  UPS Blue
Label (2nd day) [USA Only] is $10 PER ORDER, UPS Red Label (next day) [USA
Only] is $15 PER ORDER.  Federal Express (next day) [USA Only] is $20 PER
ORDER.  For overseas courier rates, please email us.

 Attention Overseas Customers: You are responsible for any and all additional
taxes and duties that might arise. 
Ordering Information:

You can order by sending a check or money order to

    Walnut Creek CDROM
    Suite E
    4041 Pike Lane
    Concord  CA  94520

     1 800 786-9907 (Toll Free Sales)
    +1 510 674-0783 (Sales-International)
    +1 510 603-1234 (tech support) [M-F 9AM - 5PM, PST]
    +1 510 674-0821 (FAX)
    orders@cdrom.com  (For placing an order)
    info@cdrom.com    (For requesting more information or for
                       customer service questions)
    support@cdrom.com (For technical questions and technical support)
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and Diner's Club. 
ALL credit card orders MUST include a phone or fax number. 
 COD shipping is available for $8.00 in the US only, NO COD shipping
to P O Boxes. 
 Checks and Money Orders payable in US funds, can be sent along
with ordering information to our normal business address.  

 California residents please add sales tax.

Version: 2.6.2


Shipping and handling is $5 (per ORDER, not per disc) for US, Canada, and 
Mexico, and $9 for overseas (AIRMAIL) shipping. Please allow 14 working
days ( 3 weeks ) for overseas orders to arrive. Most orders arrive in
1-2 weeks.  For overseas orders,(Including Canada) all taxes, customs charges
etc, are the customer's responsibility.


The most current version of this catalog is available via anonymous
ftp from ftp.cdrom.com:/pub/cdrom/catalog, or by fingering

================= Walnut Creek CDROM E-mail Catalog ========================