Packages changed:
  sudo (1.9.15p4 -> 1.9.15p5)

=== Details ===

==== gnome-branding-Aeon ====

- Use cURL instead of ping for online check

==== qt6-base ====
Subpackages: libQt6Core6 libQt6DBus6 libQt6Gui6 libQt6Network6 libQt6OpenGL6 libQt6Sql6 libQt6Test6 libQt6Widgets6 qt6-network-tls qt6-networkinformation-glib qt6-networkinformation-nm qt6-platformtheme-gtk3

- Add upstream patch for a bug in QMimeDatabase which makes
  impossible to save JPEG files in Qt6 applications:
  * 0001-QMimeDatabase-collect-glob-patterns-from.patch

==== sudo ====
Version update (1.9.15p4 -> 1.9.15p5)
Subpackages: sudo-plugin-python

- Update to 1.9.15p5:
  * Fixed evaluation of the lecture, listpw, verifypw, and fdexec sudoers
    Defaults settings when used without an explicit value. Previously, if
    specified without a value they were evaluated as boolean false, even when
    the negation operator ('!') was not present.
  * Fixed a bug introduced in sudo 1.9.14 that prevented LDAP netgroup queries
    using the NETGROUP_BASE setting from being performed.
  * Sudo will now transparently rename a user's lecture file from the older
    name-based path to the newer user-ID-based path. GitHub issue #342.
  * Fixed a bug introduced in sudo 1.9.15 that could cause a memory allocation
    failure if sysconf(_SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX) fails. Bug #1066.