Packages changed:
  cryptsetup (2.7.0 -> 2.7.1)
  dav1d (1.4.0 -> 1.4.1)
  expat (2.6.1 -> 2.6.2)
  libjxl (0.10.1 -> 0.10.2)
  libjxl-gtk (0.10.1 -> 0.10.2)
  openSUSE-release (20240315 -> 20240317)
  qemu (8.2.1 -> 8.2.2)
  rebootmgr (2.3 -> 2.4)
  sqlite3 (3.44.2 -> 3.45.2)

=== Details ===

==== cryptsetup ====
Version update (2.7.0 -> 2.7.1)
Subpackages: cryptsetup-doc cryptsetup-lang libcryptsetup12

- Update to 2.7.1:
  * Fix interrupted LUKS1 decryption resume.
  With the replacement of the cryptsetup-reencrypt tool by the cryptsetup
  reencrypt command, resuming the interrupted LUKS1 decryption operation
  could fail. LUKS2 was not affected.
  * Allow --link-vk-to-keyring with --test-passphrase option.
  This option allows uploading the volume key in a user-specified kernel
  keyring without activating the device.
  * Fix crash when --active-name was used in decryption initialization.
  * Updates and changes to man pages, including indentation, sorting options
  alphabetically, fixing mistakes in crypt_set_keyring_to_link, and fixing
  some typos.
  * Fix compilation with libargon2 when --disable-internal-argon2 was used.
  * Do not require installed argon2.h header and never compile internal
  libargon2 code if the crypto library directly supports Argon2.
  * Fixes to regression tests to support older Linux distributions.

==== dav1d ====
Version update (1.4.0 -> 1.4.1)

- Update to version 1.4.1
  * Optimizations for 6tap filters for NEON (ARM)
  * More RISC-V optimizations for itx (4x8, 8x4, 4x16, 16x4,
    8x16, 16x8)
  * Reduction of binary size on ARM64, ARM32 and RISC-V
  * Fix out-of-bounds read in 8bpc SSE2/SSSE3 wiener_filter
  * Msac optimizations

==== expat ====
Version update (2.6.1 -> 2.6.2)
Subpackages: libexpat1

- update to 2.6.2:
  * CVE-2024-28757 -- Prevent billion laughs attacks with isolated
    use of external parsers (boo#1221289)
  * Reject direct parameter entity recursion and avoid the related
    undefined behavior

==== libjxl ====
Version update (0.10.1 -> 0.10.2)
Subpackages: libjxl0_10 libjxl0_10-x86-64-v3

- Update to release 0.10.2
  * Fix unspecified bugs in (lossless) encoding and streaming mode

==== libjxl-gtk ====
Version update (0.10.1 -> 0.10.2)
Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-loader-jxl gimp-plugin-jxl

- Update to release 0.10.2
  * Fix unspecified bugs in (lossless) encoding and streaming mode

==== mutter ====
Subpackages: mutter-lang

- Add 0001-Revert-clutter-actor-Cache-stage-relative-instead-of.patch:
  This leads into partial update while switching VT (from TTY to
  GNOME) on X11 session with fbdev driver used (
  glgo#GNOME/mutter#3302, bsc#1219546).

==== openSUSE-release ====
Version update (20240315 -> 20240317)
Subpackages: openSUSE-release-appliance-custom openSUSE-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== pcr-oracle ====

- Add fix_grub_bls_entry.patch to measure boot entries in GRUB BLS

==== phonon-qt5 ====
Subpackages: libphonon4qt5 phonon4qt5-lang phononsettings-qt5

- Update the recommended backend package name (boo#1221459)

==== phonon-qt6 ====
Subpackages: libphonon4qt6 phononsettings-qt6

- Update the recommended backend package name (boo#1221459)

==== phonon-vlc-qt5 ====

- Make sure installing phonon-vlc-qt6 also recommends installing
  the translations package
- Update phonon-qt5-vlc 'Provides' (related: boo#1221459)

==== phonon-vlc-qt6 ====

- Make sure installing phonon-vlc-qt6 also recommends installing
  the translations package
- Update phonon-qt5-vlc 'Provides' (related: boo#1221459)

==== plasma6-nm ====
Subpackages: plasma6-nm-lang plasma6-nm-openconnect plasma6-nm-openvpn plasma6-nm-pptp plasma6-nm-vpnc

- Make plasma6-nm-libreswan obsolete the plasma5 package

==== qemu ====
Version update (8.2.1 -> 8.2.2)
Subpackages: qemu-accel-tcg-x86 qemu-audio-spice qemu-block-curl qemu-block-nfs qemu-block-rbd qemu-chardev-spice qemu-guest-agent qemu-hw-display-qxl qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci qemu-hw-display-virtio-vga qemu-hw-usb-host qemu-hw-usb-redirect qemu-hw-usb-smartcard qemu-img qemu-ipxe qemu-ksm qemu-lang qemu-microvm qemu-pr-helper qemu-seabios qemu-tools qemu-ui-curses qemu-ui-gtk qemu-ui-opengl qemu-ui-spice-app qemu-ui-spice-core qemu-vgabios qemu-x86

- Update to version 8.2.2. Full changelog here:
  Some upstream backports:
  * chardev/char-socket: Fix TLS io channels sending too much data to the backend
  * tests/unit/test-util-sockets: Remove temporary file after test
  * hw/usb/bus.c: PCAP adding 0xA in Windows version
  * hw/intc/Kconfig: Fix GIC settings when using "--without-default-devices"
  * gitlab: force allow use of pip in Cirrus jobs
  * tests/vm: avoid re-building the VM images all the time
  * tests/vm: update openbsd image to 7.4
  * target/i386: leave the A20 bit set in the final NPT walk
  * target/i386: remove unnecessary/wrong application of the A20 mask
  * target/i386: Fix physical address truncation
  * target/i386: check validity of VMCB addresses
  * target/i386: mask high bits of CR3 in 32-bit mode
  * pl031: Update last RTCLR value on write in case it's read back
  * hw/nvme: fix invalid endian conversion
  * update edk2 binaries to edk2-stable202402
  * update edk2 submodule to edk2-stable202402
  * target/ppc: Fix crash on machine check caused by ifetch
  * target/ppc: Fix lxv/stxv MSR facility check
  * .gitlab-ci.d/windows.yml: Drop msys2-32bit job
  * system/vl: Update description for input grab key
  * docs/system: Update description for input grab key
  * hw/hppa/Kconfig: Fix building with "configure --without-default-devices"
  * tests/qtest: Depend on dbus_display1_dep
  * meson: Explicitly specify dbus-display1.h dependency
  * audio: Depend on dbus_display1_dep
  * ui/console: Fix console resize with placeholder surface
  * ui/clipboard: add asserts for update and request
  * ui/clipboard: mark type as not available when there is no data
  * ui: reject extended clipboard message if not activated
  * target/i386: Generate an illegal opcode exception on cmp instructions with lock prefix
  * i386/cpuid: Move leaf 7 to correct group
  * i386/cpuid: Decrease cpuid_i when skipping CPUID leaf 1F
  * i386/cpu: Mask with XCR0/XSS mask for FEAT_XSAVE_XCR0_HI and FEAT_XSAVE_XSS_HI leafs
  * i386/cpu: Clear FEAT_XSAVE_XSS_LO/HI leafs when CPUID_EXT_XSAVE is not available
  * .gitlab-ci/windows.yml: Don't install libusb or spice packages on 32-bit
  * iotests: Make 144 deterministic again
  * target/arm: Don't get MDCR_EL2 in pmu_counter_enabled() before checking ARM_FEATURE_PMU
  * target/arm: Fix SVE/SME gross MTE suppression checks
  * target/arm: Handle mte in do_ldrq, do_ldro
- Address bsc#1220310. Backported upstream commits:
  * ppc/spapr: Initialize max_cpus limit to SPAPR_IRQ_NR_IPIS
  * ppc/spapr: Introduce SPAPR_IRQ_NR_IPIS to refer IRQ range for CPU IPIs.

==== rebootmgr ====
Version update (2.3 -> 2.4)

- Update to version 2.4
  - Make sure systemctl reboot will not switch to soft-reboot

==== rsyslog ====

- Fix rpmlint warnings and errors:
  + rsyslog.spec:590: W: %autopatch-not-in-prep:
  - applying patches should be done in prep section and in this
    case, there is no reason not to do it. Use the opportunity to
    switch to %autosetup.
  - Do not BuildRequire libtool, autoconf, automake and don't run
    autoreconf: the comment indicates this would be needed for
    patch1, but likely for an 'older patch1': what we have now
    does not touch the build system.
  + E: superfluous-%clean-section: Drop long deprecated %clean
  + E: suse-zypp-otherproviders otherproviders(syslog): simply
    provide syslog.
  + W: non-etc-or-var-file-marked-as-conffile: do not mark files in
    /usr/share as config; admins are not supposed to change them.
  + rsyslog-doc.x86_64: E: no-binary: build rsyslog-doc as noarch.
  + E: explicit-lib-dependency librdkafka1: the dependency for one
    should be in module-kafka, but then is also auto-detected by

==== spice ====

- Add patch to fix build with gstreamer 1.24:
  * fix-build-with-gstreamer-1.24.patch

==== sqlite3 ====
Version update (3.44.2 -> 3.45.2)
Subpackages: libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-0-x86-64-v3 sqlite3-tcl

- Update to release 3.45.2:
  * Added the SQLITE_RESULT_SUBTYPE property for application-
    defined SQL functions.
  * Enhancements to the JSON SQL functions
  * Add the FTS5 tokendata option to the FTS5 virtual table.
  * The SQLITE_DIRECT_OVERFLOW_READ optimization is now enabled by
  * Query planner improvements
  * Increase the default value for SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_COUNT from
    1073741824 to 4294967294.
  * Enhancements to the CLI
  * Restore the JSON BLOB input bug, and promise to support the
    anomaly in subsequent releases, for backward compatibility.
  * Fix the PRAGMA integrity_check command so that it works on
    read-only databases that contain FTS3 and FTS5 tables.
  * Fix issues associated with processing corrupt JSONB inputs.
  * Fix a long-standing bug in which a read of a few bytes past the
    end of a memory-mapped segment might occur when accessing a
    craftily corrupted database using memory-mapped database.
  * Fix a long-standing bug in which a NULL pointer dereference
    might occur in the bytecode engine due to incorrect bytecode
    being generated for a class of SQL statements that are
    deliberately designed to stress the query planner but which
    are otherwise pointless.
  * Fix an error in UPSERT, introduced in version 3.35.0.
  * Reduce the scope of the NOT NULL strength reduction
    optimization that was added in version 3.35.0.
- Add sqlite3-float-i586.patch to fix build on i586.
- sqlite3-rtree-i686.patch is not needed anymore.
- Abort build when %version and %tarversion don't match.

==== wicked ====
Subpackages: wicked-service

- addrconf: fix fallback-lease drop (bsc#1220996)
  [+ 0001-addrconf-fix-fallback-lease-drop-bsc-1220996.patch]
- extensions/nbft: use upstream `nvme nbft show` (bsc#1221358)
  [+ 0002-extensions-nbft-replace-nvme-show-nbft-with-nvme-nbf.patch]